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37 articles
Who is leading my treatment?
How do I choose my clinician?
How do I contact my guide?
How do I message my clinician?
How do I contact someone to help?
What qualifications do clinicians meet?
What qualifications do guides meet?
Do Mindbloom providers provide ADA accommodations?
A feature isn't working. What can I do to troubleshoot it?
What is a Peer Treatment Monitor (PTM)?
Do I need a Peer Treatment Monitor (PTM)?
Who should I ask to be my Peer Treatment Monitor (PTM)?
How do I find a Peer Treatment Monitor (PTM) if I don’t have one?
What do I do if my Peer Treatment Monitor (PTM) cancels before my first session?
Does my Peer Treatment Monitor (PTM) need to be the same person every session?
Where should I store my ketamine prescription between appointments?
What do I do if there's an issue with my medication?
What if I received the incorrect amount of medication?
Can I travel with my medication?
Does Mindbloom report prescriptions to the PDMP and CURES databases?
How do I dispose of ketamine saliva?
How do I dispose of my medication?
What happens if I run out of medication before completing all sessions in a program?
What is recommended after I complete my first six sessions?
What programs are available after completing the initial program?
How do I purchase my next Mindbloom program?
How do I refer a friend to Mindbloom?
Will I be able to access content if I complete my program?
Will I need to meet with my clinician again when starting a new program?